Sunday, November 19, 2006

Popcorn Tasting

We had a popcorn tasting at my house last night.
I found this place via one of my new favorite blogs, Mir, in her generosity, posted about a $20 off coupon they had. So I went ahead and ordered the six pack sampler. I have to say, Mir was dead on when she said it was yummy stuff.

The pack I ordered had Cinnamon Creme Drizzle Corn, Toffee Crunch Drizzle Corn, Chocolate Chunk n' Caramel, Sweet Georgia Pecan, Southwest Cheddar Chipotle, and Sweet and Spicy BBQ.

We started with the Southwest Cheddar Chipotle. Now, for those that don't know, chipotle is a smoke dried jalapeno pepper. So they had a little heat. But it was mostly as an aftertaste. What surprised me about this one was that it was sweet. I didn't expect a cheddar chipotle to be sweet. This bag got put in the "take to work and let the vultures have" pile.

Next up was the Sweet and Spicy BBQ. I'm not a huge fan of BBQ flavor, unless it's real BBQ, so this one also went into the "take to work and let the vultrues have" pile. Although I will say, that if you like that kind of thing, this was very good. Tons of flavor on the popcorn. In fact, that was true of all six flavors. No skimping on the flavoring with this company.

Sweet Georgia Pecan was next. I liked it enough that it went into the "keep here and we'll eat" pile. What I found weird about this was it had an almost coffee flavor to it. Not that I'm complaining, I LOVE coffee.

Chocolate Chunk n' Caramel was next. CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL!!! need I say more?

Toffee Crunch Drizzle Corn was next, and true to it's name, it has toffeee and chocolate drizzled on the popcorn. It was actually one of my favorites. Just enough toffee and chocolate to flavor the popcorn, but not so much that I couldn't taste the popcorn too. To be honest, most of the other flavors, the popcorn is just the transportation of the flavor. You can't really taste the popcorn in any of the others. At least I couldn't.

Cinnamon Creme Drizzle Corn was last. It's sort of mis-named, as it's not really a drizzle corn. The popcorn is pretty much coated (not that I'm complaining). I loved this one, but then again, I love cinnamon, so it was pretty much a sure hit as long as they got the cinnamon to taste like cinnamon. Nothing bugs me quite so much as something being advertised as cinnamon flavored, and then when you get it, it tastes.... not like cinnamon. But that's another post.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Pass the buck

I love how, where I work.... no one does anything, especially if something's gone wrong.

Let me give you and example.... Spam on the company email.
Up until about three weeks ago, we got little to no spam on the company email. Our email address is on an old server, and we have one of the older addresses around. Consequently, that particular server is not a target for spam. Unless of course you sign up for it.

One of the women I work with, I'll call her J. signed up for some spam. Of course, when I asked her about it, she denied it completely. "I didn't sign up for anything!" is the response I get.

Funny how about 40% of the spam we're getting is addressed to her specifically. Some of it even lists her full, hyphenated last name. Another 20% of the spam is addressed to another woman in the office S. (I'm positive you'll hear tons more about her). She at least acknowledged that she did some survey.

Now why do I care about any of this? because for one thing, being an old address, our inbox on the server is ridiculously small (10 megs), and for another thing, one guess who's responsible for maintaining the email inbox on the server?

Politics: The end (for now)

Well, the elections are over.... and that means one thing in my life. The phone calls have ceased!!! Peace and quiet now rule the house... and I'm loving the fact that I'm no longer afraid to answer the phone.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Politics part II

And the politicans just don't stop. I find out today, that my sister's dog (Sparky) got mail from a local candidate's dog. The letter told Sparky to tell his owner to vote for the "author's" owner. Geez, does someone have too much time on their hands? I mean, I'll give the candidate in question credit, they took the time to go through the city's dog licenses, but come on... am I the only one who finds this excessive?

At this point, I'm thinking my vote will go to the person who's annoyed me the least.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

These are addictive!
I know from personal experience.
BTW, if anyone sees them cheap, feel free to drop me a line. I could use another bag (or three!)


I swear, from now on my vote will be decided by who bugs me the least.

What I'd really like to know is why, when I'm on the do not call list, people who want to SELL me something can't call me. But politicians who only want me to GIVE them my money, can call me every five minutes, or worse yet, have their computers do it!

Maybe I need to add something about this to my list of "when I rule the world" rules. Politicans will not be able to use telephones for the nine months prior to an election for any reason whatsoever... and anyone found using a telephone on behalf of a politician will face 10 years in jail where they're job will be to answer telemarketers for ten hours a day.

Anyone think that'll slow down all these calls I'm getting?